Monday, February 18, 2008
Anti-White Campaign
I am sorry people, but these are some ads that really drove home the point. We live in mixed cultures where race,colour and faith should no longer be barriers.
History portrays us as separate entities but with global distances shrinking, we can no longer afford to stick with our geography-induced differences.
Amnesty International - Execution
The power of petition!!!
Very beautiful execution with excellent depiction of the power of petitions.
Amnesty International - Signature - Powerful Ad
Entrant Company: TBWA\PARIS
Country: FRANCE
Advertising Agency: TBWA\PARIS
Country: FRANCE
Executive Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Creative Director: Erik Vervroegen
Copywriter: Stephane Gaubert/Stephanie Thomasson
Art Director: Stephanie Thomasson/Stephane Gaubert
Account Supervisor: Guillaume Allilaire
Production Company, City: MAGIC LAB, Montreuil
Country: FRANCE
Director: Philippe Grammaticopoulos
Producer: Maxime Boiron
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Comcast - More More More Ad
This Comcast commercial is almost like paying a tribue this the Anrea True Connection's 70's song More More More as seen in the next video.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
House MD on Polaroid Comercial
Diagnosing and trying to resurrect dying photography with Polaroid Camera commercials!!
That's Hugh Laurie,popularly known for his role as Dr. House.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Apple Mac Air - I am a new soul
I am a new soul - by Yael Naim is a very catchy song and used best for selling Apple's New Mac Air, which is so in synch with the song's lyrics..
Music video is pretty surreal but makes a lot of sense.