Ad Foundry
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lucky Strike Retro Pick 1
One of the early years' animated ads. LS/MFT stands for Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco. That's as cool as it gets now! In 1935, ATC...
Puma Behind the scenes
The behind scenes of Puma Ad.. Pretty impressive graphics..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Another great Volkswagen commercial
Volkswagen's Think small campaign is considered the greatest ad campaign in the world. This ad comes from the Volkswagen stable and thi...
The most famous superbowl ad
This is an excerpt from wikipedia about the making of the Ad "The 60-second film was created by the advertising agency Chiat/Day, with ...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
An Ode to advertising
Some companies go to great lengths to get their message across. They spend millions and millions of dollars on a single ad. Like this really...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Gold Spot
Found the following amazing write up on Harish B Gold Spot : The Zing Thing ( RIP 1977-1993) Brand : Gold Spot Company:Coca Cola Brand Coun...
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