Tuesday, May 8, 2007
NIKE - Air Jordan
A very rarely seen ad starring Spike Lee and Michael Jordan.
The closing Statement:
"Mr. Jordan's opinions do not necessarily reflect those of Nike,Inc."
takes the cake ...
"Mars Blackmon" was a fictional character from the 1986 film She's Gotta Have It. He is also the alter-ego of filmmaker Spike Lee. In the film, he was an immature, annoying, "Brooklyn-loving", sports-loving, die-hard New York Knicks fan. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, "Mars Blackmon" became the primary pitchman in Nike commercials for Air Jordans, the basketball shoes worn by NBA legend Michael Jordan. In these commercials, Mars Blackmon popularized the phrase "Is it the Shoes? Is it the Shoes? Is it the Shoes? … it's gotta be the shoes."
In 2007 Nike and Jordan released the Nike Air Jordan Spiz'ike which is a mix of the classic retro Jordan III, IV, V, and VI.
-Courtesy Wikipedia
Wow good blog :), I'm also very interested to have new designed jordan shoes. I want to buy new jordans pair on this Christmas. So i went through http://www.sbkicks.com for online shopping. Now i need some more suggestions. Please help.